Maki Kuwayama
The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making

The design processes in architecture, urban planning, and related fields are explained and demystified, starting with five parameters: grid, function, detail, material, and cost. The art of design is the integration of these parameters into a balanced whole. How they work in tandem is explained in nine case studies stemming from different periods, scales, and typologies – that is, from furniture to private and public buildings through to urban design. This is an indispensable book for nonprofessionals and novices who wish to participate in the public debate on our built environment.

The Process of Making –
Five Parameters to Spape Buildings
Maki Kuwayama
Joachim Käppeler


Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making
Buchgestaltung The Process of Making